Monday, 15 January 2007

Railway Reservations

I've just booked tickets to travel from Agra to Delhi (192km) and it cost a paltry £1.45. The second journey I booked was an overnight trip from Delhi to Varanasi (762Km) in an air conditioned second class carriage with a bed for £13.99

Need I bother making the comparison to UK railways?

Friday, 12 January 2007

The ticket has landed

My ticket on Kuwati airlines, destined for New Delhi has arrived. I fly on the 6th March 2007 and stop in Kuwait City for 3 hours before finally arriving in New Delhi at 04:30 local time on 7th March.

I am travelling with my brother, Paul, and will no doubt be using this blog to chronicle both our frequent squables as much as the sights, sounds, smells and illnesses I experience.

The initial Itinerary will almost certainly change but at present we have set ourselves a rather demanding: 9 countries, 28 cities, in 22 weeks. To keep my first post simple I will simply list the countries we plan to visit:

India, Singapore, Malyasia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Mongolia, Russia, Poland